Fact Directory is committed to ensuring the accuracy, relevance, and quality of the information we provide. To maintain the highest standards, we carefully evaluate the sources we link to, prioritizing credibility, reliability, and authority. Our criteria for selecting external links are as follows:
- Free from Excessive Ads or Promotions:
We avoid linking to websites that are cluttered with intrusive ads, excessive promotions, or sponsored content that may detract from the user experience or compromise the credibility of the information.
- Authoritative on the Topic:
We prioritize linking to sources that demonstrate authority in their field. This includes well-established publications, reputable organizations, academic institutions, and recognized experts.
- Comprehensive Discussion:
The websites we link to must provide thorough, organic and well-rounded discussions on the topic. We aim to direct users to content that offers in-depth insights and perspectives, rather than superficial, incomplete or artificially generated content
- References and Citations:
Where possible, we link to sources that themselves provide references and citations, ensuring that the information is well-supported by evidence and further enhancing its credibility.
- No Paid Links:
Fact Directory does not engage in paid link placements under any circumstances. We maintain editorial independence and will only link to sources that we believe add value to our content and our readers.
We strive to uphold these guidelines to provide the most accurate and trustworthy content possible. However, if you feel that any linked resource is inappropriate or requires further review, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We welcome your feedback and will review any concerns promptly.
Last Updated: 17 September 2024